Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blaze By, Stephen King

Blaze was going to go and kidnap the baby, when George told him he need to think about where he is going to keep the baby. Where are you going to keep the baby how are you going to feed, clothe, and give the baby fresh diapers. George then gave Blaze the idea to rob the Mom-N-Pop Store, that they used to go into all the time. They talk about Blazes childhood, Blaze's real name is Clayton Blaisdell Jr. He was big for age, and was pretty advanced for his age before he went to the first grade he could read. When he went to school everyone knew his father was verbally and physically abusive to him. Blaze ended up becoming slow because his father threw him down the steps four times. He had to go to the hospital and his father lost custody of him, Blaze then had to go to a foster home. He always felt a void when he was in these Foster homes, he felt he filled this void when he meet George Rackley. Blaze goes to rob the store he end up forgetting to wear something over his face just like George told him. Blaze ends up getting the money and leaving and went back to the shack. Blaze explains to George he forgot to wear the mask and it makes George pissed. George leaves Blaze all by himself in the shack to think about whats going on. 
It gets better,  I was surprised to hear what happened to Blaze when he was younger and thats what made him the way he is. It kind of surprises me by Blaze's stupidity, he doesn't realize that George is a pigment of his imagination. He can make him do whatever he wants, i started to see that Blaze needs someone to act mean to him in his life. That is what he grew up on and thats what he meant by when he left his father he felt a void. Then when he meet George the void was filled, he needed someone in his life to treat him  like his father did to feel comfortable. Which is sad for someone to need someone to belittle them to feel normal. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blaze By, Stephen King

In the first few pages its about to thieves George and Blaze, they have been stealing together for a while. The book starts of with Blaze going to steal a car to ride around with, and George telling him what kind of car to take. It snowing pretty heavy out and George tell Blaze to take a truck, but not one with too many stickers. The car would be to easy to notice if it had many stickers. Then we find out George is really dead and he is just in Blazes imagination, because all Blaze ever really had was George. George and Blaze had this very unique relationship, George was the brain and Blaze was the muscle. George was always very harsh on Blaze he would always call him stupid or say mean things to him. George came up with the idea for Blaze to steal a baby, so it can't id you and it won't try to run away. 

Im surprised the way the book is starting to go so far, Blaze is listening to voices that are in his head. Of people who he used to steal with, he just stole a car which makes it more intresting. He is Driving around town with a stolen vehicle, listening to voice. What also is making this novel good is that, he is about to steal a baby all on his own, with no george. i cant wait to see what other bright ideas Blaze has to come up with. 
