Monday, December 8, 2008

3rd Degree by, James Patterson

The book starts of with an extreme plot, In the beginning i though this book would be a drag. It started of with this lady taking a normal jog, then a house with people inside blew-up. Then the lady who was jogging which was Lieutenant Boxer, saw it happen right in front of her. She ran inside of the house to save who ever made it inside of the home, she managed to save a little boy. She saw that two people where lying on the floor dead in one room which almost made her pass out. When she saved the child she figured out that it was an execution of this millionaire, a man named Morton Lightower. When they realized all this, the sister of the family came over and said their was a baby left inside the burning. Where i ended off the Firemen couldn't find where the little girl was, so we left off not being able to find this six-month old baby. 

This is a good way for a book to start of people dying, and houses being blown up in the suburbs. My only problem was the beginning was a little to cliche, the police officer running in front of the house that is about to blow, and she stops right in front of it. Then she goes inside and is kind of regretting that she did. Other than that it was a good way to start of the book missing people killers on the lose. This story only has one way to go up not down, it has so much action it can carry me through the book. 
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